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Chapter 17
As Duncan rushed to his car, he called Methos. Methos answered using his female voice, "Serena here."
"Someone is following Joe. I'm behind them about a block." Duncan followed them for about 15 minutes when he called Methos back, "He's just pulling up to the building. They are parked about a half a block from the apartment building."
"Okay, between the two of us, we'll figure out what's going on and catch the person. I'm going to use another disguise that hasn't been seen around Joe yet, that way he's protected." Methos added, "I'll meet you downstairs maybe we can trap the person between us and catch whoever it is before they hurt Joe." With that Methos hung up.
Soon Duncan felt a quickening. He puzzled for a minute because it felt like Methos only it was different. But didn't take time to figure it out because they had work to do. He saw a man he didn't know come out of the apartment building. He looked towards Duncan and gave a high sign letting Duncan know it was Methos. He then gave Duncan a sign to go around the other way. They were trying to get on each side of the person so he couldn't escape. As soon as they were stationed in the best place to catch the person, Methos gave him a sign to move in.
Methos and Duncan slowly moved in on the vehicle. One on each side of the door. They were crouched down alongside the care and on the signal, they both opened a door at the same time. Methos reached in and jerked a guy out as Duncan opened the other door to make sure there was no one else in the car.
As soon as Methos had him and they saw there wasn't anyone else in the car, Duncan came around the car and grabbed his other arm. Between the two of them, they marched him into the apartment building and up to the floor with Methos apartment. When they got there, Methos went in first and Duncan behind the guy.
Methos called, "Get me a rope from the closet, Joe. I'm tying this guy to a chair."
Joe brought the rope and the guy was securely tied to a chair so there was no way he could get away. Methos then turned to him and asked him, "Why are you after Joe? Why are you killing people Joe is close to and loves?" And what is your name?"
The man answered, "My name is Lawrence Gale and it's his fault my twin sister is dead. If she hadn't been with him, she'd still be here. I want him to feel what I'm feeling."
Joe asked, "Who's your twin sister?"
Lawrence answered, "Her name was Lauren Gale."
Joe turned pale and would have fallen if Duncan hadn't been standing by him. While holding his arm, he asked Methos for a chair. Methos turned and looked at Joe. He had a chair and had Joe sitting in it before Duncan realized he had moved. He rubbed his hand on Joe's check and whispered, "I love you."
Duncan said, "I remember her. She was the woman Thorne killed because she recognized some artifact he had stolen. It wasn't Joe's fault she was killed. He wasn't even with her when it happened."
Lawrence answered, "He was on the other side of the door when she was murdered and he didn't do anything about it."
Joe replied, "I couldn't get in. I tried, boy did I try. Duncan helped me find him and then Duncan killed him for what he had done. He avenged Lauren for me. I was in love with her and was going to ask her to marry me."
"I did some investigating and found out you are with an organization that a lot of stuff like this happens. If she hadn't been with you, she would still be alive," he yelled at Joe.
"What are you talking about? What kind of organization?" Methos asked.
"I couldn't find that one out, but I will and then I'm going to spill everything to the police and the newspapers. You all will be prosecuted for murder and hard telling what else when I get done with you."
He whispered, "Joe, I think you are going to have to call the watcher for them to handle this."
Joe nodded his head and then pulled out his cell phone. He made a call and talked real low for a bit. When he hung up, he turned to Methos and Duncan, "They are on their way. They will put him in a sanitarium so he can't cause any more problems. I wish there was another way to take care of this. But the way it stands, he's going to be in the institution for the rest of his life."
"I don't like it either, Joe. But what else can we do. It's that or kill him and you know how I feel about that and I know what it would do to you," Duncan stated.
Methos said, "Don't forget, he killed 4 people. In the states he would be up for the death penalty, this way he can live. If it was up to me, I would tie him up and toss him in the river and let the water decide if he's guilty or not." The Methos whispered to Duncan, "When they get here to pick him up, hide in the bedroom so they don't know you are involved. You are too well known."
That sat and talked about every day stuff for about 10 minutes, then there was a knock on the door. Duncan went into the bedroom while Methos answered the door.
To Chapter 18