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Chapter 20
Duncan pulled his Katana and Methos just sat watching the door. Gregor walked through the door and stopped. "Hi Mac. Now that I’m here, who's the patient?" Mac flipped his Katana behind his arm to let him know it was okay to come in.
"My friend, Adam Pierson here. He passed out and then got sick."
Gregor looked at Methos then did a double take. Methos started giggling. "Hi Gregor. Yeah it’s me, Benjamin Adams, but am going by Adam Pierson." Then added when he saw Gregor look at Joe," This is my lover, Joe Dawson. He knows about Immortals, so don't worry."
"Okay, what's the problem?" Gregor asked.
"If I knew that, we wouldn't have had to call you," answered Methos. "All I know is I passed out and threw up, which is something I’ve never done in my life. And well, to be frank, it has us all worried."
Gregor asked, "Is there somewhere private I can examine you?"
Joe come with, "You can use my office. Why can’t we have time for our discussion before something else happens?" Then Joe started grumbling, "It seems like fickle hand of fate won’t let me have any time with Methos." Joe kept grumbling and mumbling as Methos and Gregor went into his office. He turned a looked at Duncan and caught the really worried look on his face. He got to thinking then that it more serious than he thought at first. Maybe Methos was dying. Or maybe they can catch serious diseases that has no cure and he stays sick. Or . . . . And that’s the way Joe’s mind went while Methos and Gregor were in his office.
"Mac, can Immortals catch a fatal disease and die the come back to life, but still have the disease they died with? If they do, what . . . . ."
Duncan interrupted Joe, "Don’t panic Joe. I’ve never heard of an Immortal catching a fatal disease. A cold yes, but nothing more serious." He walked over to Joe and put his hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. About then Gregor and Methos walked out of the office.
Joe got up as fast as he could and asked, "What's wrong? It isn’t anything serious is it?"
He started to ask another question when Methos said, "Calm down, Joe. He doesn’t know what's wrong, but he wants to do one more test that he can’t do here, so I’m going with him."
"I’m going with you and don't you try to tell me no. I would just follow you." Joe stated.
Duncan giggled, "I’ll bring him along in my car so you don't have to worry about him driving. Is young love grand." And as he past Joe, he ruffled his hair. "Come on Joe."
"I want to ride with Methos," Joe stated.
Gregor answered, "That’s not possible. My car only has the front seat and it isn’t safe for Methos to drive. What if he passes out again? He can ride with me and Mac can follow behind me. This is for the best Joe, okay."
"Oh all right, but I don't have to like it though," grumped Joe.
Joe followed Methos and Gregor out the door. He stood by the car as they got in and prepared to leave. Before turning to go to Duncan's car, he put his hand on Methos arm. "I love you Adam. I’ll be there as soon as possible."
He turned and went back to Duncan's car and got in. As soon as he was settle, Duncan took off and stayed behind Gregor’s car so they wouldn't lose him. Gregor pulled into a drive way that had a shingle hanging in front that said Dr. Paul Gregory. Duncan laugh and said, "He doing like Methos does. Using some derivative of his own name."
They all got out of the vehicles and went inside. When they got in, Gregor turned to Joe and said, "Would you please wait out here. I want to do an ultra sound This is my office and I have all the modern equipment here that money can buy and so don't need to take him anywhere else to run the test I want."
Joe was very unhappy. "Who does he think he is? He has no right to keep me from Adam's side. How dare he make me stay out of the room. I have as much right to be in there as he does."
Duncan started laughing at Joe. "You know Joe, it isn’t going to do you and good to grumble out here when Gregor is in there. Don't worry, he'll come out and let you now what's going on as soon as possible."
"Yeah, I know Mac. I’m just worried about Adam is all. I feel so helpless because there isn’t anything I can help with. I wish I could pace, I would be wearing a hole in this floor."
It was almost 30 minutes before Gregor came out of the room with Methos right behind him. He had the look of a totally shocked and in shock person. He looked at Joe, opened his mouth to speak, then shut it and just shook his head. Gregor was giggling and still looking like he was in shock. "Adam, I would like to do another ultra sound tomorrow if you don't mind."
Joe looked from to the other. Finally he started hollering, "Well, how about telling us what you found out. Is it serious or not? Don't keep us in the dark."
"Sorry Joe, I don't think Adam is able to talk just yet and it is his place to tell you what's going on. But don't worry, he's not dying," stated Gregor as he was giggling. He turned to Methos, "I want to see you about 10 am and make sure you don't eat or drink anything before you come in. I have a couple other test I want to run. See you tomorrow."
Gregor turned to Duncan, "Would you like to go out for a couple of drinks. I think the guys need some time alone." He turned back to Methos and tossed his keys to him and said, "Here Adam, take my car back to the bar and pick up your car. You take care of the keys and I’ll get them tomorrow. I have a spare set." With that, he grabbed Duncan's arm and out the door they went.
Joe turned to Methos and said, "Adam, what's going on? Are you okay? Is it something you need me to help you with while you recover?" He leaned in and kissed Methos and said, "I love you Adam. I will stay with you through it not matter what it is." He then pulled Methos too him and kissed him again. Methos responded, but he still couldn’t or wouldn't talk. He soon developed a funny little smile that told Joe he had a secret.
Methos finally turned to the door and said, "Come on Joe, let's go home. We have a very long talk that’s way past due." With that, they both went out and got into Gregor’s car so they could drive back and get his. Joe tried talking to him, but Methos wouldn't say anything about anything.
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