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Chapter 13
If Joe hadn't been by the wall when the wolf came at him, he would have hit the floor. His heart was beating like there was no tomorrow. He just knew he was going to be tore apart by the wolf. As it was, the wolf slammed him into the wall and it was like the wolf was hugging him and laying his head on Joe's shoulder whining. He was really confused and wondering what in the world was going. Joe kept gasping for breathe trying to calm down since the wolf wasn't hurting him. He stood there for a while looking at the wolf.
Then he decided to try something. His was still breathing heavy and his heart hadn't settle down yet. "Mac, is that you?" And the wolf seemed to respond to him. "If you are, what happened? What are we going to do? I need to get a hold of Methos to find out some answers and maybe he can help you." The wolf whined and put all fours on the floor. The wolf started pacing again, it looked like he was trying to figure out what to do.
Joe went over to Mac's laptop and booted it up. While waiting for the laptop to boot up, he watched the wolf. Soon the wolf came and sat down by Joe and watched him. As soon as the laptop was ready, he brought up Mac's email.
We have a problem. I don't know why, but there is a wolf on the barge. What should I do? He seems tame and I know he couldn't get in here by himself. So Mac must have brought him home and then something came up and he left. Please contact me as soon as possible.
When he sent the message, he sat back and rubbed his hand over his face trying to decide what to do till he heard from the old man. He looked in the refrigerator to see if Mac had any beer. He did so helped himself to one. Before he opened it, he searched to see if there was any scotch around. He needed something stronger. He was totally confused on what was going on or what to do about it.
About a half hour later, he came back to the computer to decided to check and see if there was a message from Methos.
Take care of the wolf for Mac, will be there as soon as I can get done here.
He felt a little better, but not much. How was he going to take care of the wolf? He didn't know if you cared for them the way you did a regular dog or not. Would everything be all right till Methos got here? He decided to go get some dog food for the wolf so he wouldn't go hungry till Methos got there to help him. He pinned the wolf in the barge and went to pick up some groceries and get some dog food.. Plus he had to get some clothes to wear while he was here.
When he got back to the barge, he put a bowl of water down for the wolf...
"What do I call you? I can't just keep calling you wolf. How about Fido?" The wolf whined at that and so Joe kept coming up with different names. He tried for two days trying to find a name the wolf would answer to and to get him to eat. Joe was beginning to get worried about him starving to death since he wasn't eating. He tried giving him raw steak and the wolf still refused it.
Joe cooked up a steak for himself and made a salad to go with it. When he sat down to eat, the wolf sat by him and it looked like he was begging. So Joe just to see what he would do, put a piece of steak and some salad down for him. When he ate it all Joe said, "Well, I'll be damned. You like people food. Now I know what to feed you till Methos gets here. Still can't find a name for you and I've ran through all the names I've ever heard of for dogs."
After they were both done eating, Joe started cleaning up. The wolf brought his plate to Joe to clean also. Joe just shook his head. "I've never heard of a dog that wanted their plate cleaned after eating."
The only problem was that the wolf wouldn't lay on the floor. He insisted on sleeping with Joe. After trying to fight with him the first night, he gave up and let him on the bed with him. He figured that Mac just let him sleep with him and no matter what, he couldn't get him to sleep anywhere else.
(3 days later)
Joe was standing washing their dirty dishes and talking to Wolf. That's what he decided to name him till he found out what was going on. All of a sudden, Wolf stood up and faced the door. He started growling, and that really confused Joe. He was acting like an Immortal. Then there was a knock on the door. Joe went to answer it and was really surprised that it was the man Methos had turned into before leaving Seacouver. After the door was closed, they gave each other a hug and kiss. Before turning to the wolf or saying anything else, Methos turned back into himself.
"Methos, I'm so glad to see you. I can't figure out where Mac is. No one has seen him and when I get here, I see this wolf here. Can you help me figure out what's going on?"
Methos bent down to the wolf and the wolf licked his face. Methos started to laugh and then to reassure the wolf. "Joe, this is Mac. That's why no one can find him. And this is the way the shape shifting starts. Mac didn't know what happened and so needless to say he couldn't switch back. I didn't think he was ready or I would have told him what would happen."
He turned back to the wolf and started talking real low to him. "Now Mac, you don't need to be so afraid and unsure of what's going on. This is normal even though it's happened earlier to you than it most. You usually don't start showing signs of it till you are 500 or older. I think it's because you've taken so many older Immortals, so you are really powerful. I know you are asking me right now how to turn back."
With that the wolf started growling and pacing back and forth. "Don't get mad either. It's not going to help. Now sit down and listen. Now try to calm down and just think of your real body."
Soon there was a little shimmer, then it stopped. "That's it Mac. Keep concentrating and stay calm." Mac still couldn't change back. "Joe, I'm going to have to change to a wolf to help him." So Methos stood by Mac and soon he was a wolf also. He was slightly smaller and brown. Methos then went over and nudged Mac and it seem like they were talking. Soon they both sat down and Methos turned back into himself and then started talking to Mac again.
After about 5 minutes Mac was able to change back. When he saw he was himself, he turned to Joe, "How dare you try to feed me dog food. That stuff is gross," and then giggled at the shocked look on Joe's face. He then turned to Methos, "Can all Immortals shape shift? Why didn't you or Amanda tell me about it?"
Methos laughed and then said, "Any Immortal over 500 years old can. You are the first one I've ever heard of doing it this early. You are almost 100 years before any of the others. The reason you weren't told, is that for some reason it's another one of our rules. We never tell the ones that can't shape shift that they will eventually be able to." With practice you'll get as good as Amanda or I. Now you know one of the ways I've been able to survive for 5000 years. Right now all you can do is shape shift into a wolf and then that's not very often. But once you learn how to do it, you won't have a problem. And if you want, I'll be your teacher."
"Yes, please." Then Mac turned to Joe, "I want to thank you for taking as good a care of me as you did this past week. I was really scared I would die. I didn't know I was still Immortal as a wolf till Methos came to the door. I could feel him." Then turned back to Methos, "Were you a different person when you came in?"
"Yes I was. I was killed in Seacouver and needed to change my appearance. Let's all get a drink and Joe and I will fill you in on all that's been going on," replied Methos.
Mac said, "Boy do I need a drink. Am I going to need more than one?"
Joe got the bottle of scotch and a couple of glasses, "Yes you will. Methos do you want a drink or beer."
Methos answered, "Beer thank you. Did you bring the notes with you?"
"Yes, they are in my briefcase by the door." With that he went and got them. They all sat down and started to fill Mac in on everything about the notes and the killings.
To Chapter 14