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Chapter 14
About 2 hours later Mac asked, "And you still have no idea who it is?"
Methos shook his head and added, "The longer it takes us to find out what's going on, the more danger Joe is in. We also have to worry about you since you can't control the shape shifting yet."
Duncan answered, "That might be a good idea. If someone kills me like they killed you, Amanda and Claudia, maybe I can shape shift to a wolf and stay that way so I can try and protect Joe."
"That won't work. You don't have enough control over it yet. You might accidentally switch back at the wrong time and put Joe in more danger than ever," replied Methos.
"Hey guys, I'm right here. Don't talk about me as if I'm not here or stupid," Joe gruffly said.
"Sorry Joe, you are right. I'm just worried about you and now worried about MacLeod," Methos said.
"Why are you so worried about Mac? They can't kill him like they could if he was mortal," answered Joe.
"Yeah, but no Immortal when they first started showing signs of shape shifting was able to turn into a wolf right away. That usually doesn't happen until between the age of 1000 and 1500."
Duncan hollered, "Hey now you guys are doing it to me and I don't like it."
Methos smirked, "Now you know what it feels like. I already know how it feels, so you don't need to pull the same trick on me. But really we do need to worry about you and Joe. I know when I turned into a wolf the first time."
Then Methos asks, "Can I use your laptop? I want to email Amanda and maybe she can contact Cassandra and ask her about it."
"Sure, what do you want from them?" answered Duncan.
Methos replied "I want to let Amanda know what's going on and to find out if she's been able to change to a wolf yet. And I need her to find out from Cassandra at what age she was when she became a wolf. Can you email the de Valicourt's and ask them if they know anything?"
Then Methos turns to Joe, "I need you to get with the watchers to see if they have found out anything about the person who's targeting you."
Duncan said to Joe, "Maybe if you make a list of all the people you've pissed off over the years, maybe we can come up with something." He then went to his desk and got out some paper and a pen.
Joe sat down and took the pen and paper. He sat and thought for a bit and then started writing. After finishing, he started marking off names. Then he made another list and did the same thing. Finally he threw the paper and pen down and said, "It's no use. The most of the ones I've written down are either dead or in prison so there aren't any answers there." After thinking for a minute, he said, "Maybe it's someone wanting revenge for something I stopped or someone that's dead because of me." He picked the pen and paper back up and started writing again.
Soon he had a page full of names. He went over it and crossed off a very few. "Methos, do you know if Morgan Walker had a mortal partner that didn't know about Immortals? I'm also going to check into the idea of someone that James Horton knew that didn't know about Immortals. Everyone I know thinks I shot him and I let them so they wouldn't take offense knowing an Immortal killed him."
Methos answered, "He always had mortals helping him. And he didn't trust anyone, so he told no one what he was. Maybe that's the answer."
Duncan turned to Joe, "Are you hungry? I know I am so why don't I run out and get something."
Joe and Methos answered in unison, "Yes, I'm hungry." Methos added, I haven't had anything since last night just before I got on the plane."
Joe asked, "Where did you fly from?"
Methos laughed and answered, "No no Joe, I'm not telling you. The watchers don't know about these men and there's no way I'll tell them. If it got out, their lives would be in more danger than mine and no way will I let that happen. I will protect them with my life. Neither one has ever taken a head and all the Immortals I know that know them protect them. Even Kronos as bad as he was."
While talking, Duncan's laptop pinged to let him know he had email. Methos went and got it. "It's from Amanda. She has never turned into a wolf and when she asked Cassandra, she wasn't able to turn into a wolf till she was 1300 years old."
Joe then remembered the list he had started back in Seacouver. He took the list out of his pocket and scratched off a couple of the questions...
Then turned to Methos, "I have some questions that need some answers. I thought of them after you left me in Seacouver." He handed the list to Methos.
After reading the list, Methos sprawled on the couch and started answering their questions.
To Chapter 15