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Chapter 15
"The first question you already marked off. The second question: Does an older Immortal teach the younger ones? Yes we do if we find them and know about them. Otherwise they have to learn on their own and it takes longer for them then. Next, Is it painful? No it isn't, it's just very scary at first. Can I change into a woman? Yes and have done it in the past to escape. But that takes more concentration the first time. The more we shape shift, the easier it gets. But how we do it, I have no idea. Maybe it's an inbuilt thing for our protection from mortals who see our fights. No one has been able to come up with the answer for it," said Methos.
Duncan asked, "How do you know that most Immortal don't start shape shifting till they are 500 and have to be at least 1500 to change to a wolf?"
Methos answered, "Because I've watched and taught most Immortals that can shape shift. And none of them have ever heard of anyone shape shifting as young as you are. I told Joe in Seacouver that I thought you were getting ready to start because you were showing signs, but I had no idea it would be a wolf. Usually what happens is you somehow shape shift into another human, usually one you've just seen, and then have trouble changing back."
Methos went and got a beer. Turning back to Duncan as he twisted the cap off and threw it behind his back so it landed on top of fridge and slid on back behind it. He then continued, "I found Amanda as the last Immortal she had killed and since I can recognize shape shifting Immortals by their buzz, I asked who it was. She was very frightened because she couldn't figure out what had happened to her or why she was a man."
Duncan looked puzzled and then said, "Wait a minute, you can recognize other shape shifting Immortals. I knew I could recognize you since that double quickening in Bordeaux and figured you could me too. But other people too? "
Methos answered, "I can recognize someone if I've met them before and get a feel for their quickening. You and I have a link that we haven't explored yet." Turning to Joe, "You can't put about the link Mac and I have in the chronicles either. If you promise, I'll tell you what I know."
"I promise, Methos," Joe said. "There is no way I want to put you and Mac in danger and I know the Watchers would take this and run with it. Some of them would even try to capture one or both of you to experiment on. There is no way I want that."
Joe wanted to kiss Methos or touch him so bad it hurt. Methos looked at him the same way. Duncan looked from Methos to Joe and back again. He realized they both had the look of someone being in love. He then asked, "Who won the bet?"
Methos started laughing, "Mike did. He told me about the bet a week ago." He turned to Joe, "Since he was in on the bet, I figured he would know once he saw us together the way Mike and Amanda did." Methos then reached up a hand and run his fingers down the side of Joe's face.
Then Methos said, "Mac and I shared a quickening in Bordeaux when I killed Silas and he killed Kronos. The quickening combined and then became like a vortex and then split, hitting us at the same time, then spiraling away into the other one. Boy did that hurt. Since then, we can sense when the other takes a quickening, and when I was standing outside the door, I knew it was Mac with you. We have a link now that tells us what is happening to the other." Turning to Duncan, "Your fear and confusion was so strong after you took that quickening that I could feel it. I figured that you might have shape shifted but wasn't sure till I got Joe's email. When Joe emailed me about the wolf on the barge, I knew what had happened and was really shocked. Why did you growl when I arrived if you knew it was me?"
Duncan replied, "I didn't want you to see me as a wolf. I didn't know it was something that happens to us as we get older. And I didn't think I'd ever be able to turn back since I've been like that since taking that quickening over a week ago. I was here trying to figure out how to survive 4 days before Joe got here.."
"I bet the reason I didn't realize how serious the situation was, I was worried about Joe and the killer who's out to hurt Joe," replied Methos. "A person can only worry about 2 situations at a time."
Turning to Joe, "I think I've found some answers, but not sure until we can talk. We also have to get to the bottom of this other mess about the killer before you get killed. Since I still have friends in the watchers, I'm going to go see if anyone knows what's going on. Can you stay here Joe? And Mac, I want you to stay inside so no one knows you are here. People already know that Joe is here taking care of a wolf so that way you can protect Joe."
Methos then changed back to the man he was when he came in. He gave Joe a kiss and said, "I'll see you as soon as possible. I love you."
Joe kissed Methos back then replied, "I love you too. Please be careful and come back to me."
Methos walked out the door and before Joe and Duncan had a chance to say anything, they heard a shot. Joe and Mac rushed out and saw Methos laying on the plank and before either one of them could get to him, his body slid off into the seine. Joe went to the side looking down trying to find him. Duncan came and took him by the arms and persuaded him to come into the barge. Joe was saying as they walked into the barge, "We have to get help for him."
Duncan answered, "Joe, he's dead and there's nothing you can do." Once they were inside the barge, Duncan said, "As soon as he comes back to life, he'll be here."
They heard a thud on the door. Duncan went to the door and carefully opened it. He saw an arrow with a note attached to it. He reached out and got the arrow. He took the note and read it out loud.
That makes four. The man was a good friend of your lover and
he was helping you to cope, so that made him a target.
Joe sat down and put his head in his hands. He didn't know if he would survive this. Duncan came and put his hand on Joe's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Joe. Methos is okay"
Joe answered, "I know, but they are after me and soon who ever the person is, is going to come after me. I'm not Immortal and if they shoot me, that's it. Just when I finally find some happiness, someone wants to ruin it for me."
Duncan turned to the door and grabbed his katana. "Joe stay back, it doesn't feel like Methos."
They heard a knock and Duncan figured it was a friend since they knocked. But he still stayed alert. He flipped his Katana behind his arm so it would be handy if he needed it and went and answered the door. There was a beautiful tall woman standing at the door. She said, "Hi, my name is Serena and I'm looking for Adam Pierson. Do you know where I can find him? I'm his sister and he went missing about a week ago. He's all the family I have left since our parents died."
Joe and Duncan looked at each other in total confusion since they knew Immortals didn't really have families and with Methos being so old, there was no way any of his family was still alive.
To Chapter 16