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Chapter 16
Duncan looked at the woman. "You seem familiar, but I know I've never met you. And I know for a fact that you aren't Adam Pierson sister. He doesn't have any family left. So now Serena, who are you and what do you want."
When Serena started to move towards Joe, Duncan moved to stand between him and the woman. "Unless you tell me what you want, you aren't getting close to Joe."
Duncan watched the woman and then rubbed his eyes. She was shimmering and it looked like she was changing. Joe moved around to in front of Duncan because he realized who it was. Duncan started to get in front of him again and Joe said, "No Mac, it's all right. It's just Methos."
Duncan turned back and stared at Methos who was standing in front of him with a big grin on his face. He kept opening his mouth like he was going to say something, but nothing came out. Finally Methos said, "You better close your mouth before the flies make it their home. I told you I could change into a woman."
Duncan answered, "Yeah, but I know your buzz and you didn't buzz like you. In fact your buzz is yours, but it's not. Not only that, the clothes you are wearing are different from what you were wearing as a woman."
That confused Methos. "We can't change our buzz. I can mute mine, but can't change it. It must be you sense it differently now that you can shape shift."
Joe and Duncan both looked puzzled. Duncan asked, "You can mute yours? If I'm not mistaken,
Ramirez was teaching Conner to control his quickening and was also teaching him to breath under water. He tried to teach me, but I think I was just too bull headed to learn. But it was different from your regular buzz. It still feels different somehow."
Methos replied, "That's weird about the difference. Maybe it changes when I changed into a female. I don't remember how I learned to mute my buzz, but it must be something I learned before I took my first head. I don't remember much before that. You know how my buzz feels when I wake up from the dead?" Duncan nods his head and Methos continues, "Then it seems to calm down? The reason for that is I deliberately keep it muted because the older we are, the stronger our buzz. If I didn't calm it down, every Immortal out there would be coming out of the woodwork to challenge me. You saw what Kronos quickening did, mine would be twice as bad and to be honest, I would like to keep my head right where it is, thank you."
Then Methos added, "When I became Ramirez's teacher, he could already mute his quickening."
Duncan asked, "You were Ramirez's teacher?"
"Not his first teacher. I think I was his third, or maybe it was forth, I don't really remember," answered Methos. Then he looked at Joe, "I have some answers for you but very few. We'll talk later. I better get ready to leave. We don't want the person watching you to think I mean anything to you." Methos then handed Joe a piece of paper, "This is where I'm staying. With me leaving as a woman and you staying here, they won't follow me."
Joe asked, "How can you be sure of that? Your other disguise was only seen with me twice and he was killed."
Methos grinned, "Just watch and listen when I leave. Mac, if you can, try to follow Joe without anyone seeing you. Joe, when you leave here, you turn the lights out, that way it will look like no one is here and maybe they'll follow you and give Mac a chance to get out of the barge."
With that Methos gave Joe a lingering kiss, then moved back and stood still. Soon there was a shimmer around his body. When the shimmering stopped, there stood the woman who came in the door. She walked to the door and went out. With her hand on the door, she turned back and stomping her foot, screamed through the door, "I am to Adam's sister. If you won't tell me where he is, then I'm going to hire a private investigator to find him. When I find him, I'll tell him how mean you were to me." With that she slammed the door shut and angrily stomped off the barge in tears.
Inside Duncan said, "I think whoever is watching you will believe her uh him oh, whichever. Don't you?"
Joe said, "I hope so. I know I would. How long do you think I should wait before leaving."
Duncan replied, "Probably long enough to have a drink. We don't want to risk whoever is after you discovering Methos is still alive." As he was saying this, he went to the kitchen area and pulled down a bottle of Scotch and pour himself and Joe a shot. Handing Joe's his, he said, "Here's a toast to you and Methos. I really hope you guys will be happy."
Duncan felt jealous of Joe's relationship with Methos. He loved Methos too, but there was no way he would say anything and hurt Joe. He love Joe as much as he had loved his father. He didn't even know if he had a chance with Methos. Duncan felt that he ruined all his chances with him over the Horsemen mess and over Lord Byron. This was the first he had seen him since then. And he had known for a long time that Joe and Methos loved each other but neither one had a clue about the other. He made up his mind he was going to protect Joe with everything he had for Methos. Since he couldn't have Methos, he was going to make sure he was happy.
"Joe, it's time for you to turn the light out and leave. I'll wait and watch to see if anyone follows you.
"Okay, Mac. Being a watcher, I know how to keep an eye out and also to act like I don't know what's going on. Bye for now, see you later."
With that, Joe turned the light out and left. Mac had gone out through the pilots hatch so no one would see him. He watched Joe walk to his vehicle. When Joe drove away, he saw another car leave right behind Joe.
To Chapter 17